Data submission to Meteoclimatic via API
If you have a station that can send data using the EcoWitt, Wunderground, or WeatherLink protocols, this page will help you configure it to send data to Meteoclimatic.
You need to register your station on Meteoclimatic. Your station will not be able to send data to Meteoclimatic by only entering data on this page.
EcoWitt / Wunderground Protocol
At the bottom of this page, the data you need to enter in your console/gateway will be displayed. We recommend not attempting to manually copy this content. Tap on the highlighted value to copy it and paste it into your console/gateway configuration.
WeatherLink Live Protocol
In addition to the Meteoclimatic data, we will ask for your WeatherLink access data.
We will store this data and use it to regularly connect to WeatherLink, collect your data, and update it on Meteoclimatic.